EDM and Surface Grinding

A fully equipped tooling room: Surface Grinding and EDM
Recto Molded Products has a fully equipped tool room for everything needed to design, build and upkeep molds for our customers. That includes equipment for electrical discharge machining (EDM) and surface grinding for maintenance, repair, and improved process efficiency of our injection molds and tooling.
Recto’s EDM Capabilities
Our EDM equipment enables the creation of molds with complex geometries, specific surface finishes, and tight tolerances to provide unmatched accuracy.
Knockout pin hole wear is a particularly good example why having a wire EDM machine on site is a great benefit. Knockout pin flash is quickly remedied by going with oversized knockout pins that fit into the bore that the wire EDM machine can provide. The Ram EDM gets used when adding or repairing gates or making revisions to the mold. By modifying burn rates, various surface finishes can be achieved.
A good example of needing both a wire and ram EDM was when a customer supplied a mold that never quite provided the fit or locking capability of the latching feature designed into the molded part. Wire EDM was the first step in removing the oversized feature in the mold so a new cavity area would be the proper size. Then, the ram EDM modified the “hooks” to provide a better retention of the component. Now one part fits two applications, reducing costs.
Our EDM equipment includes:
- Sodick Wire EDM (2)
- Sodick CNC Ram EDM
Recto’s Surface Grinding Capabilities
All injection molds and tooling undergo regular wear during operation. Our tool room has the surface grinding equipment needed to perform mold upkeep and repairs. Grinders are used for general parting line repairs, mold base refurbishment and cavity work, especially after welding. Adding or repairing mold vents is facilitated by their grinding capability. Appropriate venting during the molding process minimizes burning, voids, and mold buildup. Recto maintains various grinders in our Tool Room, and our team is cross-trained to operate all of them.
Ready to get started?
Recto Molded Products is a leading supplier of molded plastic parts and assemblies, with a long record of being a trusted partner for many different customers. To learn more about our services, or if you’re ready to request a quote, contact us today to get started.